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Spectrum Pest Control


Phone (412) 532-1380
Address 410 Oliver Ave,
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 United States


At Spectrum Pest Control, we take pride in providing top-notch pest control services to both homes and commercial businesses. We understand the importance of having a pest-free environment and aim to set ourselves apart from our competitors by delivering the best pest control services in the region. We recognize the value of your homes and landscapes and ensure that our pest control experts treat your property as their own. Our two decades of experience have given us the expertise to protect homes similar to yours. As we are committed to visiting your homes quarterly for years to come, we strive to build a familial relationship with our customers. We believe in trust, and you can be confident in our vetted and selected pest control professionals to take care of your property with the same diligence as we do for ours. Don't gamble with pest control; choose our Pittsburgh pest control for a pest-free home or business.

Working Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Sat: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Services: Pest Control Service, Bed Bug Treatment, Exterminator, Bee Control

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