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Spectrum Pest Control


Phone (724) 719-9244
Address 116 Avon Dr,
Butler, PA 16001 United States


For more than two decades, Spectrum Pest Control has faithfully served the greater Butler PA area, leaving no stone unturned in our commitment to pest management. As a tightly knit, family-owned and operated business, we cater to both residential and commercial clients, offering a comprehensive array of extermination services. Our team of skilled professionals possesses the expertise and knowledge required to tackle any pest-related challenge with precision and efficiency. From the smallest creepy crawlies to pesky rodents, our exterminator services encompass a wide range of critters. We pride ourselves on our ability to swiftly and effectively eliminate these unwelcome guests from your surroundings, ensuring a pest-free environment. Furthermore, we specialize in bee removal and exterminating, keeping you safe from the buzzing nuisances that can cause distress and potential harm. With Spectrum Pest Control, you can rest assured that your pest control in Butler needs is in capable hands. We employ industry-leading techniques and cutting-edge equipment to deliver lasting solutions tailored to your unique circumstances. Our unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction drives us to go the extra mile, providing personalized attention and unparalleled service.

-Pest Control Service
-Bed Bug Treatment
-Bee Control

Business Hours: Monday - Saturday : 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday : Closed

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